Technological inventions have made the world a better place to live in. This is because there is always a new invention that will make your work easier or even reduce costs incurred. At the moment, many people are fascinated by the introduction of solar roofs aimed at cutting down on energy costs. One such roof is the Tesla Solar tiles which have already proven beneficial especially to people who do not have access to electricity. Here are some of the things that you need to know about the one of a kind Tesla Roof.
- Solar Roof
Tesla solar roof complements the architecture of your house while at the same time turning sunlight to electricity just like any other solar panel. This roof comes fully fitted with an integrated Power wall battery tasked with the responsibility of storing energy collected during the day. They will, therefore, turn your house into a personal utility since you can use the stored energy at any time of the day.
- Customize the Electricity Your Solar Produces
Tesla roofs have made it easier for home owners to customize the amount of electricity produced in order to meet their daily energy needs. This has been made possible thanks to the two types of glass tiles that it comes with i.e.Non-solar tile and solar tile. Both the solar tile and non-solar tile look quite similar from the street level. With the glass material, you cannot even realize they produce energy since the solar cells are invisible.
- Infinite Tile Warranty
Tesla have ensured the tiles are durable enough by manufacturing them using tempered glass. This means they are three times way stronger than any other standard roofing tiles you may want to use in your home. No wonder the manufactures offers a lifetime warranty since the chances of the tiles getting destroyed are very minimal.
- Off-Grid Reliability
Any person who has had a chance to use the Tesla solar roofing tiles can bear witness to the fact that they integrate with the Power wall home battery. You will thus get the chance to use solar energy at any time of the day that you wish. This is regardless of whether you live off-grid or on-grid as it will guarantee power supply 24 hours a day. People living in houses fitted with Tesla solar roofs will, therefore, reduce their energy bills significantly.
Tesla Solar roofs have come as good news to home owners as they can now get access to power without having to go through a lot. However, you must be ready to dig deeper into your pockets in order to get the coveted Tesla solar roofs as they do not come at a throw away price. Fortunately, the solar roofs are worth you investment since you will reduce your energy bills in the long run. Furthermore, you will be doing humanity a favor since Tesla solar roofs are friendly to the environment when compared to most sources of energy.