Pictures for the launch of the new Nintendo accessory will be unveiled on the upcoming September 12. This accessory appears like a flexible ring on which the Joy-Con controller can be easily fit to enjoy the thrilling games, which required physical movements of varying degrees in multiple posters. The controller has a strap-like attachment in the teaser trailer. Moreover, Nintendo announced that the titles classic SNES and NES of the Nintendo Switch Online will no longer be available on a monthly basis.
The YouTube channel of Nintendo has recently released a trailer which showcases flexible and large ring-like accessory that can be smoothly attached with the Joy-Con controllers. In this trailer, it can be seen that users interacting with accessory in different ways – starting from holding it in the form of a steering wheel to rotating and squeezing in various postures. This accessory or maybe another is seen in a completely different form where it is attached in the form of a leg strap for holding a part of the Nintendo switch’s Joy-Con controller.
At this point of time, the name of the accessory is not clear along with the games where it will come in handy. The Nintendo Switch fans will have to hold their breath until September 12 for the official release to find out what Nintendo has in store for them.
A change has been made to the Nintendo Switch Online service which will disappoint fans of classic SNES and NES games. In a Nintendo blog post, the firm reveals that new games will not be added regularly to the library of the Nintendo switch classic titles. Therefore, marking a departure in its usual monthly schedule.
A Nintendo representative states that in the future, more NES games will be added. But the release will not be made in a regular schedule unlike before.