Shopee is undeniably one of the leading mobile eCommerce platforms in Singapore. This platform once began as a consumer-to-consumer (C2C) platform before eventually evolving into a B2C marketplace that focuses on serving customers. Ever since its launch in Singapore in 2015, it has expanded its reach to Malaysia, Taiwan, Thailand, Indonesia, Brazil, Vietnam and the Philippines.
But what do you know about the Shopee app? If you cannot answer this question easily, you’ve definitely come to the right place. Read on to clear the doubts you might be having regarding this leading marketplace in Singapore.
How Does Shopee Work?
Before taking advantage of Shopee, it is in your best interest that you understand how it works. To cut the long story short, Shopee is a mobile-only platform that is highly concerned with social selling. Actually, it is an open platform that helps connect sellers with buyers. However, reviews and ratings are vital if you are to succeed on this platform.
What Does Shopee Sale?
Before shopping on Shopee, you ought to keep in mind that it adopts a purely marketplace model. What this simply implies is that all products sold on the platform come from third-party retailers. All you have to do is browse, shop, and sell from any location of choice, regardless of the time.
Even though there is no clear information about how they earn from the business, there are paid advertising fees by other companies. Some of the most notable products sold on Shopee include men’s and women’s clothing, personal care, electronics, groceries to mention a few. No wonder it continues to attract the attention of many in and outside Singapore.
The Bottom Line
Thanks to their strategic expansion plan, Shopee has overcome all odds to emerge as a leading eCommerce platform in Southeast Asia. Actually, the platform partners with more than 70- courier service providers across its markets to provide logistical support. Be sure to figure out what it takes to enroll as a merchant before you can start reaping benefits.
To learn more about becoming a Shopee seller simply pay a visit to MediaOne official website. Here, you will get every piece of information you need about Shopee and what it takes to become a merchant. It is then that you will never have to worry about anything once you decide to start out on the platform.